Expanding Your Practice To Include Work With Older Adults
Presenter: Dr. Margaret Norris
Overview: This webinar is informed by Dr. Norris’ prior pre-convention APA workshops: 1) Managing a Professional Practice with Older Adults (What Psychologists Should Know about Working with Older Adults), conducted at the APA annual conventions from 2008 to 2014, and 2) Medicare Reimbursement Rules and Ethics in Geropsychology Practice (Expanding Your Practice to Include Older Adults), conducted at the APA annual conventions in 2015 and 2016.
- Recognize myths versus facts about the older adult population and their mental health needs.
- Identify important treatment distinctions with older adults including treatment effectiveness, contents of therapies, and disorders that change with age.
- Summarize ethical and third-party payment (Medicare) issues that are unique in providing services to older adults.
CE Credits Available: 1
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