Student Benefits
Students are the future of Clinical Psychology
With over 3,000 members, the Society of Clinical Psychology is the APA's second largest division. Division 12 represents the science and profession of clinical psychology to the American Psychological Association and to the public. Undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students are all welcome to become student members of the Society of Clinical Psychology.
To further support the growing number of graduate students and early career psychologists transitioning to full member status, the Society of Clinical Psychology would like to bring to your attention to Section 10: Graduate Students and Early Career Psychologists. This section represents the interests and concerns of graduate students and early career psychologists throughout the Division, and provides a forum for announcements and communication among graduate students and early career psychologists in clinical psychology. Visit the link above to learn more!
Benefits of joining Division 12
- Identity as a Clinical Psychologist
- Advocacy for Integration of science and practice
- Opportunities for networking and involvement
- Website & Resources on Empirically Supported Treatments
- On-line Newsletter, The Clinical Psychologist
- Mentorship program
- Social networking and listserv
- Affiliation with Section 10 and other special interest Sections
- Opportunities to get involved with committees & student leadership positions
- Clinician’s Toolkit
- Continuing Education Opportunities
- Special convention programming such as breakfast conversations and workshops, hospitality suite activities
- Discounts on books such as Advances in Psychotherapy Series
- Three Student Awards: for Student research, practice, and service (Recipients receive a plaque, a $200 honorarium contributed jointly by Division 12 and Journal of Clinical Psychology, and a complementary two-year subscription to JCLP & JCLP: In Session)
- Building resume by membership & involvement in a professional organization
- Affiliation with the historic APA division that gave rise to the profession
- Reduced student dues for applications received after mid-August
- Opportunity for maintaining involvement after post doc year through
- Early Career Affiliate Membership status (You do not have to be member of APAGS/APA although recommended)
You can join Division 12 without being a student member of APA Division 12 student affliation is separate from APA student affiliation. While student affiiates of Division 12 are not required to be student affiliates of the APA, APA affiliation is recommended. Information can be obtained from the APA Office in Washington DC. (800) 374-2721. If you are a Post-Doctorial candidate/fellow, you may continue your affiliate membership for one year at $25. If you wish to continue membership in Division 12 after this year, you may apply as an Early Career Psychologist at $40 or you may apply for Full/Affiliate Membership at $63. Affiliation with Division 12 is based on the calendar year, but applications are acceptable year round. If your application is for the current year, your affiliation will be dated January 1st of this year. For applications received after September 1, membership will begin January of the following year. Cost of becoming a Student Affiliate is $25 (but see our Div12/Sec10 promotion)- Download information on becoming a Student Member of Division 12
- Apply online for STUDENT Div12 membership ($25)
- Apply online for STUDENT Div12/Sec10 Membership ($30) NEW PROMO
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology2016/2017 EditionJohn C. Norcross and Michael A. Sayette |
With more than 150,000 copies in print, the Insider's Guide is the resource students rely on to find graduate clinical and counseling psychology programs that meet their needs—and gain admittance to them. The volume provides current data on more than 300 programs in the United States and Canada; descriptions of each program's specializations or tracks; admission requirements and acceptance rates; crucial advice on financial assistance and loans; sample forms, personal statements, and curricula vitae; tips for acing the admissions interview; and planning and decision-making worksheets. | |
Get this book at Guilford Press |