The SSCP student poster competition yielded great diversity in the content of the work, but was uniformly of high quality. This led to numerous difficult decisions for the judges. This year, SSCP was able to award prizes to 3 winners ($250 prize) and 5 Distinguished Contributions ($100 prize).
The winners of the 2017 SSCP Student Poster Competition are:
Ema Tanovic
Yale University
Anticipatory Neural Activity Is Enhanced By Uncertain Threat
Adrienne Romer
Duke University
Structural Alterations within Cerebellar Circuitry Are Associated with General Liability for Common Mental Disorders
Brooke Slawinski
Michigan State University
The Etiology of Social Aggression
The 2017 Distinguished Contributions would be:
Esther Tung
Boston University
Distinct Risk Profiles in Social Anxiety Disorder
Nauder Namaky
University of Virginia
Looking out or Checking out? the Differential Effects of Trait Anxiety and Depression on Frontal Asymmetry during Loss Anticipation
Lara Moody
Virginia Tech University
Remote Alcohol Monitoring for Behavioral Interventions: Implementation Intentions As a Strategy to Reduce Drinking
Aliona Tsypes
Binghamton University
The State University of New York, Neural Reward Responsiveness in Children with Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
Abhishek Saxena
Rush University Medical Center
Neuroplasticity in Neural Networks of Emotion Following Targeted Social Cognition Training