Sections for the Society of Clinical Psychology
The American Psychological Association, Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12) has several sections covering specific areas of interest. Members of Division 12 may join one or more of the Sections. Some sections also have categories for non-Division 12 members.
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Purpose. Our mission is to advance the field of professional Clinical Geropsychology through the scientific study of mental health of older adults, delivery of culturally sensitive psychological services, advancement of training and continuing education, and collaboration among geropsychologists. Our vision is to foster the mental health and wellness of older adults through science, practice, education, and advocacy.
President (2025) Heather Smith, Ph.D., ABPP
Past President (2025) Lindsay Jacobs, Ph.D., MSPH, ABPP
President-elect (2025) Maggie Syme, Ph.D.
Secretary (2024-2026) Meghan Marty, Ph.D.
Treasurer (2023-2025) Brenna Renn, Ph.D.
Diversity & Inclusion (2024-2026) Stacy Yun, Ph.D.
Division 12 Representative (2025-2027) Evan Plys, Ph.D., ABPP
Purpose. The Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) promotes the integration of the scientist and the practitioner in training, research, and applied endeavors. Its members share a commitment to the roles that empirical research and scientific principles play in training, practice, and public policies for improving mental and physical health.
President (2025) Shari Steinman, Ph.D.
Past President (2025) Rachel Hershenberg, Ph.D.
President-elect (2025) Rosanna Breaux
Secretary/Treasurer (2022-2025) Sara Bufferd, Ph.D.
Newsletter Editor (2023-2025) Samuel Cooper, MSW, LMSW
Division 12 Representative (2024-2026) Susan D. Raffa, Ph.D.
Member at Large (2025-2027) Corinne N. Carlton-Smith
Member at Large (2025-2027) Kristy Benoit Allen, Ph.D.
Student Representatives (2023-2025) Francesca Gomez
Student Representative and Social Media Editor (2025-2026) Alexandra Kalinyak
Post-Doc Representative (2024-2026) Alex Brewe, Ph.D.
Listserv Manager (2024-2025) Eugenia Giampetruzzi
Diversity Committee Representative (2023-2025) Sarah Sullivan
Purpose. This Section is dedicated to increasing scientific understanding of those aspects of clinical psychology that pertain to women; to promoting the development of models for the delivery of service to women; to increasing the quality of educational and training opportunities for women in clinical psychology; to advocating on behalf of women clinical psychologists with respect to formation of policies of the Division; and to the development of the subspecialty of clinical psychology.
Website under development.
Purpose. The Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC) is Section 8 of the Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12 of APA). The purpose of the Association is to promote the discipline and profession of psychology in academic health centers and affiliated units (e.g., schools of medicine, nursing, public health, dentistry, pharmacy, health professions; Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, teaching hospitals and other similar entities) to encourage and support psychologists’ participation in institutional governance, research, educational programs, administration, leadership, and policy development.
President (2024-2025). Liz Cash, PhD
Past President (2024-2025). Laura A. Shaffer, PhD, ABPP
President Elect (2024-2025). Amy Williams, PhD
Secretary (2023-2025). John Yozwiak, PhD
Treasurer (2024-2026). Melissa Faith, PhD
Section Representative (2023-2025) Joey Yost, PhD, ABPP
Purpose. The Section on Assessment Psychology of the Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12) of the American Psychological Association promotes and encourages the evolution and development of the subspecialty of psychological assessment in both its scientific and professional aspects by increasing scientific understanding and study of psychological testing procedures and the use of psychological tests in clinical work.
President (2023-2025) Emily Gottfried, Ph.D.
President-elect (2023-2025) Linda McGhee, J.D., Psy.D.
Past President (2023-2025) Hadas Pade, Psy.D.
Secretary (2022-2025) Tiffany Harrop, Ph.D.
Treasurer (2021-2024) Adam Natoli, Ph.D.
Division 12 Representative (2022-2025) Paul Ingram, Ph.D.
Membership Chair (2022-2025) Sara Lowmaster, Ph.D.
Assessment Journal Editor (ex-officio) – Douglas Samuel, Ph.D.
Student Representative: (2023-2024) Jacy Murdock and Kitzia Moreno
Purpose. The Section on Graduate Students and Early Career Psychologists of the Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12) of the American Psychological Association represents the interests and unique needs of graduate students and early career psychologists entering the profession and facing various career transitions in clinical psychology.
President (2025). Jared Boot-Haury, PsyD, MBA., Licensed Clinical Psychologist
President Elect (2025-2026). Andrea Wieckowski, PhD, Assistant Research Professor
Past President (2025). Kayla K. Thayer, Ph.D., ABPP, Associate Professor
Treasurer (2025). Lyudmila Saltman, PsyD, Assistant Professor
Secretary (2025). Jacqueline Hatcher, LCSW, Predoctoral Psychology Student
Section Representative (2025). Jill Morris, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Officer (2025). Shaciarra Hamilton, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Professional Development Chair (2025). Zoe Ross-Nash, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Network & Marketing Chair (2025). Antoine Lebeaut, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow
Communications Chair (2025). Emily Murphy, MS, Predoctoral Psychology Student