Section VI
The Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities
Division 12, Section VI
Welcome to the Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities (APA Division 12 | Section VI)!
The mission of this organization is to promote the general objectives of the American Psychological Association, to encourage the evolution and development of the specialty of Clinical Psychology as a science and as a profession, and to foster research on psychopathology, assessment, and treatment interventions of ethnic minority populations. To this end, The Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities is committed to:
- promoting research on clinical interventions with racial and ethnic minority populations;
- fostering sensitivity to cultural, racial, and ethnic issues in the training of all psychologists;
- increasing the quality and accessibility of training opportunities for ethnic minority clinical psychologists;
- enhancing the representation of ethnic minority psychologists in APA and Division 12 governance and fellowship;
- providing an internal forum for the exchange of ideas on ethnic minority issues and on topics of concern to ethnic minority clinical psychologists; and
- providing support for graduate students interested in the study of clinical psychology of ethnic minorities
Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities
APA Division 12, Section VI
Board of Directors

Viviana Padilla-Martinez, PhD
President 2019 (2018-2020)
Psychology Program Manager
Bay Pines VAHCS - Lee County VAHC, FL
Instructor GSEP Psychology
Pepperdine University, CA

Joseph S. Fineman, Ph.D.
President-Elect (2019-2021)
Assistant Training Director
Clinical Psychologist
Miami VA Healthcare System, FL

Natasha Thapar-Olmos, Ph.D.
Past-President (2017-2019)
Director of Online Programs in Psychology
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Pepperdine University, CA

Nirmeen Rajani, Psy.D.
Secretary (2018-2020)
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Psychology Center Schaumburg, LTD, IL

Mengchun (Meng) Chiang
PhD Treasurer (2017-2019)
Staff Psychologist
Carnegie Mellon University, PA

Rosally Bisbal-Moreno, Psy.D.
Membership Chair (2019-2021)
Individual and Family Clinician
Kinder Konsulting and Parents Too;
All Family Resource Center, FL

Vincenzo G. Teran, Psy.D.
Division 12 Board Staff Psychologist
Cambridge Health Alliance
Instructor in Psychology
Harvard Medical School, MA

Sarita Patel, B.A., M.C.R.C.
Student Representative (2019-2021)
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology
UT Southwestern Medical Center, TX

Giovanni Ramos, M.A.
Student Representative (2018-2020)
Doctoral Student in Clinical Science UCLA, CA

Francisco A. Reinosa Segovia, B.A.
Student Representative (2019-2021)
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology
University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Benefits of Membership
- Access to the Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities Newsletter (distributed twice a year)
- Receive updates on peer-reviewed publications, training and job opportunities related to the clinical psychology of ethnic minorities
- Attend APA Convention programing sponsored by the Section
- Network with leaders in field of clinical psychology of ethnic minorities
- Access to webinars centered on promoting professional development and leadership skills
- Opportunity to run for Board of Director positions
- Access to the internship directory for students applying for APA-accredited APPIC internships
- Student APA Convention Travel Awards
- Student Research Award
How to Join
Access our membership page HERE