2015 EST Status: Treatment pending re-evaluation
Very strong: High-quality evidence that treatment improves symptoms and functional outcomes at post-treatment and follow-up; little risk of harm; requires reasonable amount of resources; effective in non-research settings
Strong: Moderate- to high-quality evidence that treatment improves symptoms OR functional outcomes; not a high risk of harm; reasonable use of resources
Weak: Low or very low-quality evidence that treatment produces clinically meaningful effects on symptoms or functional outcomes; Gains from the treatment may not warrant resources involved
Insufficient Evidence: No meta-analytic study could be identified
Insufficient Evidence: Existing meta-analyses are not of sufficient quality
Treatment pending re-evaluation
1998 EST Status: Strong Research Support
Strong: Support from two well-designed studies conducted by independent investigators.
Modest: Support from one well-designed study or several adequately designed studies.
Controversial: Conflicting results, or claims regarding mechanisms are unsupported.
Strength of Research Support
(Tolin et al. Recommendation)
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Brief Summary
- Basic premise: thoughts, feelings and behaviors are inter-related, so altering one can help to alleviate problems in another
- Essence of therapy: Cognitive therapy techniques focus on modifying the catastrophic thinking patterns and beliefs that social failure and rejection are likely; exposure therapies are designed to gradually encourage the individual to enter feared social situations and try to remain in those situations.
- Length: approx. 12 sessions
Treatment Resources
Editors: Evan Forman, PhD; Joanna Kaye, BA
Note: The resources provided below are intended to supplement not replace foundational training in mental health treatment and evidence-based practice
Treatment Manuals / Outlines
Treatment Manuals
- Comprehensive Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Phobia (Ledley, Foa, & Huppert; adapted by Herbert, Forman, & Yuen)
Books Available for Purchase Through External Sites
- Managing Social Anxiety Therapist Guide (Hope, Heimberg, & Turk)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies (Heimberg & Becker)
Treatment Outlines
- CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder Outline (Hofmann & Otto)
Training Materials and Workshops
Measures, Handouts and Worksheets
- Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
- Social Phobia Inventory
- Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory
- Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale
- Record of Weekly Self-Report Measures
- Blank Model of Social Phobia
- Annotated Model of Social Phobia
- Social Behaviour Questionnaire
- Video Feedback Recording Form (Safety Behaviors Experiment)
- Subjective Units of Distress Scale
- Fear Hierarchy (of Social Situations)
- Worksheet for Exposures
- Imaginal Exposure Recording Form
- Cognitive Distortions
- Dispute Questions
- Automatic Thought Record
- Attention and Safety Behaviors Monitoring Form
Self-help Books
- Managing Social Anxiety Workbook (Hope, Heimberg & Turk)
- Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook (Antony & Swinson)
Important Note: The books listed above are based on empirically-supported in-person treatments. They have not necessarily been evaluated empirically either by themselves or in conjunction with in-person treatment. We list them as a resource for clinicians who assign them as an adjunct to conducting in-person treatment.
Smartphone Apps
- iCBT (Bonfire Development Advisors)
- AnxietyCoach (Mayo Clinic)
Important Note: The apps listed above are based on empirically-supported in-person treatments. They have not necessarily been evaluated empirically either by themselves or in conjunction with in-person treatment. We list them as a resource for clinicians who assign them as an adjunct to conducting in-person treatment.
Video Demonstrations
Group CBT for SAD (Hofmann et al)
- Introducing group members (Hofmann et al.)
- Overview of group treatment (Hofmann et al.)
- Establishing ground rules (Hofmann et al.)
- Presenting social anxiety model (Hofmann et al.)
- Assigning homework (Hofmann et al.)
- Exposure rationale (Hofmann et al.)
- Rationale for social cost exposures (Hofmann et al.)
- Setting up in vivo exposure (Hofmann et al.)
- In vivo exposure (Hofmann et al.)
- Post-processing after in vivo exposure (Hofmann et al.)
Videos Available for Purchase Through External Sites
- Shyness and Social Phobia (APA/Albano)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety (APA/Wenzel)
Clinical Trials
- Cognitive therapy versus fluoxetine in generalized social phobia (Clark et al., 2003)
- Cognitive—behavioral therapy versus supportive therapy in social phobia (Cottraux et al., 2000)
- Fluoxetine, comprehensive cognitive behavioral therapy, and placebo in generalized social phobia (Davidson et al., 2004)
- Cognitive—behavioral group treatment for social phobia: Effectiveness at five-year followup (Heimberg et al., 1993)
- Treatment of social phobia in cognitive-behavioral groups (Heimberg et al., 1994)
- Cognitive behavioral group therapy versus phenelzine therapy for social phobia (Heimberg et al., 1998)
- Cognitive mediation of treatment change in social phobia (Hofmann, 2004)
- Cognitive therapy for social phobia: individual versus group treatment (Stangier et al., 2003)
Meta-analyses and Systematic Reviews
- Cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological treatment for social phobia: A meta-analysis (Gould et al., 1997)
- Psychological treatment of social anxiety disorder: A meta-analysis (Acarturk et al., 2009)
- Meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral treatments for social phobia (Taylor, 1996)
- Cognitive and behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders: A review of meta-analytic findings (Deacon & Abramowitz, 2005)
- The treatment of social anxiety disorder (Rodebaugh, Holaway, & Heimberg, 2004)
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: Current status and future directions (Heimberg, 2002)
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: The state of the science (Gordon, Wong, & Heimberg)
Other Treatment Resources
- Cognitive-behavioral treatment of social phobia: new advances (Huppert, Roth, & Foa, 2003)
- Cognitive factors that maintain social anxiety disorder (Hofmann, 2007)
- Social mishap exposures for social anxiety disorder (Fang et al., 2013)
- Cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: Evidence-based and disorder-specific treatment techniques (Hofmann & Otto, 2008)
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: Applying the approach (Rowa, Milosevic, & Antony)