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Courtney Worley, Ph.D., ABPP, M.P.H.
Title: Clinical PsychologistAffilitation: Department of Veterans Affairs
Brief Bio:
Dr. Courtney Worley is a board-certified clinical psychologist serving in the Department of Veterans Affairs. She completed her Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2012 at The University of Alabama (UA), with specialized coursework in health and geropsychology. Her internship was completed at The University of Florida Health Sciences Center in medical psychology. Prior to her graduate work in psychology, she completed a master’s degree in public health (M.P.H.) in health behavior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Dr. Worley is trained in CPT, PE, WET, STAIR, CBT-I, CBT-N, MI, and CBT-D. She enjoys training and consultation in Evidence Based Psychotherapies and has served as a consultant for EBPs in the United States and with international groups. Dr. Worley is the Training Program Coordinator for the VA National Center for PTSD Training in Written Exposure Therapy (WET). In this role, she oversees a nationwide training program using a virtual facilitated learning collaborative approach. She is also a staff psychologist with the VHA VISN 4 Telemental Health Hub providing Evidence Based Psychotherapies for PTSD, Depression, Insomnia, and Nightmares. She maintains active in trauma research through the VA and in behavioral sleep medicine in collaboration colleagues at several academic institutions. She has provided consultation in Cognitive Processing Therapy and Written Exposure Therapy to clinicians in more than 30 states and internationally. Dr. Worley has also collaborated virtually with the National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD) on projects that include telehealth delivery across the continuum of care.  In 2018, Dr. Worley completed a special detail assignment with the NCPTSD’s Tech into Care Project aiding dissemination of mobile apps and websites to support mental health recovery. She was a subject matter expert in the development of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) Coach 2.0, a mobile app to support CPT delivery.
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