Nominations and Elections
Donna LaPaglia, Psy.D., ABPP
2024 SCP President, 2025 Nominations Committee Chair
2025 Nominations are Open for 2025 Slate
2025 NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN - DEADLINE January 15, 2025.
The Society of Clinical Psychology/APA Division 12 is accepting nominations for the following offices (for election during 2025, with service to begin as of January 2026):
The President-elect shall be a Fellow or Member of the Society, elected for a term of one year. The President-elect shall be a member of the Board of Directors with the right to vote, and shall perform the duties traditionally assigned to a Vice-President. In the event that the President shall not serve a full term for any reason, the President-elect shall succeed to the unexpired remainder thereof and continue to so serve through his/her own term.
1 Council Representative (dependent on apportionment results)
Consistent with the APA Bylaws, Representatives to APA Council must be Members or Fellows of the Society and are ordinarily elected for a three (3) year term. The Representatives to APA Council shall perform those duties required of Council Representatives as specified in the Bylaws of the American Psychological Association. The Society’s Representatives to APA Council shall be members of the Board of Directors with vote. They shall be responsible for advising the Board of Directors about significant matters of business scheduled to come before APA Council. They shall also be responsible for informing the Board of Directors of significant actions taken by APA Council.
The Secretary shall be a Fellow or Member of the Society elected for a term of three years. The Secretary shall be a member of the Board of Directors with right to vote, shall safeguard all records of the Society, shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors, shall assist the President in preparing the agenda for business meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors, shall maintain coordination with the Central Office of the American Psychological Association, shall issue calls and notices of meetings, shall inform the membership of action taken by the Board of Directors and shall perform all other usual duties of a Secretary.
This is a great way to have a significant impact on the Society and on the field of clinical psychology at an important time. Serving in a leadership role also provides a terrific opportunity to meet new people and influence the direction of our profession. I hope you will consider nominating yourself or someone else for one of the above positions. If you would like more information on a position, please email the Central Office at
To nominate a colleague or yourself, simply send an email message to the SCP Central Office at Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations and Elections Committee and a Slate will be sent and approved by the SCP Board of Directors at the 2025 Mid-Winter Board of Directors Meeting.
If you would like to contact someone in the role to understand the role further, please email the Central Office at
Nominations will be accepted immediately and until January 15, 2025. Approved Nominees will later be asked to submit a 250 word candidate statement to APA spring 2025 (more details to come).