Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Early Career Psychologist membership level.

As an Early Career Psychologist (ECP) in the first four years after post-doc, you are invited to become affiliated with the Society through the Early Career Affiliate Program. As an ECP affiliate, you will learn more about the activities and issues that are of interest to clinical psychologists, including reviewing for journals, mentoring, etc. The annual ECP affiliate fee of $40 includes online subscriptions to the Division 12 journal, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice and The Clinical Psychologist.

(By submitting your application, you agree to be contacted by the division and any third party partners that the division utilizes for membership purposes.)

Are you a member of Section 10? Click here to apply online for Early Career Psychologist Div12/Sec10 Membership ($45)

Please do not use a masked or fake email address (i.e. none/ as you will miss out on important communications from the Society. Thank you.

The price for membership is $40.

Membership expires on December 31, 2024.

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