Richard (bipolar disorder, substance use disorder)

Case Study Details

Richard is a 62-year-old single man who says that his substance dependence and his bipolar disorder both emerged in his late teens.  He says that he started to drink to “feel better” when his episodes of depression made it hard for him to interact with his peers.  He also states that alcohol and cocaine are a natural part of his manic episodes.  He also notes that coming off the cocaine and binge drinking contribute to low mood, but he has not responded well to referrals to AA and past inpatient stays have led to only temporary abstinence.  Yet, Richard is now trying to forge a closer relationship to his adult children, and he says he is especially motivated to get a better handle on both his bipolar disorder and his substance use.  He has been more compliant with his mood stabilizing and antidepressant medication, and his psychiatrist would like his dual diagnoses addressed with psychotherapy.


  • Alcohol Use
  • Depression
  • Elevated Mood
  • Impulsivity
  • Mania/Hypomania
  • Mood Cycles
  • Substance Abuse

Diagnoses and Related Treatments

1. Bipolar Disorder

The following treatments have empirical support for individuals with Bipolar Disorder:

2. Mixed Substance Use/Dependence

The following treatments have empirical support for individuals with Mixed Substance Use/Dependence: