Division 12 Assessment Repository


A new Assessment Repository is under development and will be released in the new year. It will be a work-in-progress, with instruments added iteratively. 

Criteria for Inclusion: Decisions for inclusion of measures are at the discretion of the Division 12 Website Committee and the Executive Committee. To be considered for inclusion, measure must meet the following criteria:

  1. The measure has documented psychometrics in publicly available sources
  2. The measure has evidence of reliability and validity
  3. The measure is in the public domain and available via an publicly accessible online link (or requested via Email) where it can be downloaded or obtained

DisclaimerDivision 12 does not specifically endorse the use of any of the measures presented in this compiled list and defers to users to obtain the critical background information necessary to determine its appropriate use with a given population. Further, although measures may be available via a public link, some may stipulate permission from the developers prior to its usage. Users are responsible for carefully reviewing the public source and reading associated publications to determine if this is the case.

Help the list growWe need YOUR help in growing this list. Please recommend measures that fit our inclusion criteria. Include in an email the (1) measure name, (2) domains assessed, (3) age category, (4) link to the publicly available measure, and (5) primary source reference in APA style with a link to the abstract. Please contact us if you have suggestions.

Note. Please contact us should you find a broken link.