Principles for Training in Evidence Based Psychology:
Models for the Graduate Curricula in Clinical Psychology
Prepared by the Division 12 Task Force on teaching evidence based practice in Clinical Psychology
J. Gayle Beck, Chair, Louis G. Castonguay, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, E. David Klonsky, Lata K. McGinn, and Eric A. Youngstrom
Although the field has embraced an evidence-based approach to the practice of Clinical Psychology, it still remains important to enhance Clinical Psychology doctoral training programs’ support of this emphasis. Given the value of grounding doctoral training in Clinical Psychology on empirical evidence, our goal is to develop cross-cutting principles and resources that can guide Clinical Psychology doctoral programs of all forms in the incorporation of evidence-based models of training2. Although a number of other groups are developing training guidelines for various forms of specialty training within Clinical Psychology (e.g., training for clinical scientists, training for cognitive-behavioral therapists, training for behavioral health practitioners), each of these guidelines rests on the assumption that doctoral students will receive foundational training in core areas (e.g., psychopathology, evidence-based assessment, evidence-based treatment) and will receive clinical supervision in the development of core clinical skills (e.g., case formulation, differential diagnosis, treatment/intervention conceptualization, ethics, sociocultural competence). This document delineates specific principles to guide the core doctoral training and foundational clinical supervisory experiences for Clinical Psychology programs, irrespective of the theoretical orientation of the faculty or the training mission of the program. In designing these principles, we are focusing on Clinical Psychology, which is appropriate given our individual and collective training experiences. It is possible that some or all of the principles outlined in this document can apply to training in broader health services psychology.
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